It's 2025, and nobody is coming to save us

In the first minute of 2024, he kissed me and whispered, "this is gonna be our year." We had a lot to look forward to. We were working together again, building something we thought we could be proud of. We were looking forward to simpler times in our…

Ghost from the past

I finally got this site, and a few other pet projects, up and running from backups. I had been toying with the Ghost blog a few years ago. It was all very simple and straightforward: * Locate the backup file * Decide I'm going to host it on my NAS…


I finished my first second ferment of Kombucha today. During the first ferment, a gallon of water laced with green tea and honey are transmuted into a slightly sour beverage with almost no carbonation. During the second ferment, the kombucha is transferred to glass bottles, fed a little more sugar,…

Pandemic guilt

I don’t think parents will ever be able to explain their feelings of pandemic guilt. Jer often works until 7 or 8 because distance learning for a non-literate 5 year old is just really a mess. It's not possible to feel productive until late in the day.…

Come sail away

I don’t know why he thought I would say no to a sailboat. He was hovering behind me in the kitchen while I finished the dishes after yet another dinner at home. He was sheepishly squinting his eyes, expecting the worst. “Please think about it before saying no.” I…


I'm spread pretty thin these days. I guess I always have been. Maybe it's a character flaw that I take on on many different roles concurrently. Or maybe it's a strength? I don't know. I can only do so many things in…